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Phases of Development

We work with you through each phase and suggest adjustments or listen to your ideas for modifications. We at Taylor Made Iron pride ourselves in our flexibility and ensuring your satisfaction with the final product. We look forward to working with you soon!


We meet with you to ascertain the type of product you desire and to assess the space parameters and other construction involved.


Once we have met with you, we make a drawing of your idea and share it with you to confirm our visualization is in alignment with yours. We work with you to make any adjustments necessary to exact details in materials, fabrication and finish.

Wooden Door With Ironwork

Valuation & Pricing

Everybody has a budget, so this phase is designed to keep the original idea intact, but affordable to produce. At this point we do a cost analysis, making suggestions about materials and alterations based on your budgeted cost. Value engineering is an integral part of many jobs, and we always offer this as a service to give you the best value for your money.


Once design and cost are agreed upon, we begin fabrication. This is the buying of materials and physical development of your idea. It includes metal fabrication and material processing such as prepping, cutting, bending, welding, and blacksmithing.


In this phase we add the color or finish agreed upon. You choose whether you want corrosion protection such as galvanizing or metalizing, and whether to apply a natural finish (patina) like gunmetal blue or rust, or a faux finish such as copper, bronze, or pewter.


Once the product is completed at the shop, we install it in your residence or business, making sure it operates as planned and constructed. Give us a call for more information.